Monday, January 20, 2014

Naked & Not Ashamed

In August of 2010, I had this idea that I would begin blogging and share with the world-- or whoever would read --the lessons I learned from my trivial day-to-day life experiences. I'd been a month into my marriage then, and what was supposed to be the most joyful time of my life, happened to be one of the most difficult seasons I've experienced. Not the marriage part, per se, but life in general. From the experience of a grievous loss and family tragedy, to relationships that were painfully severed, to the division of people I loved most, the violation of trust, the sting of betrayal and broken promises, and an extremely broken heart... It was then that I completely stopped writing for leisure. (Man, I sound depressing!) I admit, it was the only time in my entire life that I experienced that thing called 'depression' -- that feeling that I was completely alone, suffocating, stuck in a deep darkness with no light at the end of the tunnel. Fortunately, and pretty quickly, there was a light at the end of that tunnel. I am happy to say that with the support, prayers and encouragement of loved ones, I was able to drag myself out of that funk within a few short months, and learned heaps of invaluable lessons as a result of all of the experiences I endured. Lessons that -- in retrospect -- I wish I would have recorded then. There's nothing more life-changing than the power of a story!

The name of this blog is Naked & Not Ashamed. The thought came from Genesis 2:25, where it talks about Adam & Eve being naked and unashamed before they sinned against God. Genesis 3:7 goes on to share that after they pretty much screwed up, "the eyes of both of them were opened, and they realized they were naked; so they sewed fig leaves together and made coverings for themselves." How often do we make coverings for ourselves, with our own feeble attempts to hide from God and each other because we are worried about what people would think if they really knew what we were thinking... or feeling... or doing? Oh, but there's nothing really new under the sun, is there? We've all heard that saying 'been there, done that' when we share our 'supposedly' scandalous experiences with someone older and wiser. Yet, we are all doing our very best to cover our asses, to pretend all is perfect, upkeep our social network masquerades, and walk around like we have it all together. 

Truth is, I'm not perfect. (Hard to believe, right?) I make mistakes...often. I find myself in situations where I still walk around with guilt on my conscience, trying to make restitution for my wrong-doings or -sayings (usually -sayings... I've got a big mouth sometimes). It's when I share these things with those trusted few in my life, that I am reminded that my feelings are normal, that the struggle is real, and I'm not the only one going through things. Jesus died a very public death so that my shame could be covered...there's nothing left for me to hide. So here I am, almost 4 years after I created this blog, picking up where I left off; attempting to strip all superficiality and share my story -- as it happens -- as openly and honestly as possible... (not that you guys are about to get a play-by-play of my life or anything; this is a blog, not a journal) ...with the hopes that maybe my transparency and the trivial day-to-day lessons I learn along the way will make your challenges less challenging or your story a bit more relatable.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014


It's a New Year …and oftentimes, that means new resolutions, new perspectives, a fresh start. Some people wait all year for this day to be the day of new beginnings in their lives. What people fail to remember - or choose to forget - is that the beginning of something means the ending of something else.

I want to eat healthier. Okay, not a unique resolution, I am aware. Eating healthy means that I have to stop eating unhealthy. Obvious enough, right? Here's the hard part; the beginning of eating healthy means the end of eating ice cream for breakfast! (But I've done that my whole life!) It is the end of indigestible amounts of rice and beans after 8pm. (But I'm Puerto Rican!) I want to exercise more. The beginning of committing to exercise more means the end of sleeping in until the last possible second. (Impossible! I need my beauty sleep!) I want to write a blog. (I can barely finish my papers for grad school on time!) In fact, I may or may not be writing this blog, while I should be completing 2 late assignments. The beginning of discipline means the end of laziness and procrastination!

New beginnings almost always sounds incredible! It's the ending of things we enjoy that can become uncomfortable. But today - in the excitement of this new year, this new day, and of this new blog - I am going to focus on the new beginnings. I refuse to agonize over any endings. I refuse to look back a year from today, and wish that I had started today!

"Forget the former things; Do not dwell on the past. 
See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up;
Do you perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness
And streams in the wasteland." Is 43:18-19 (NIV)

"Be alert! Be present! I am about to do something brand new-
It's bursting out! Don't you see it? There it is!" Is 43:18-19 (MSG)