Wednesday, January 1, 2014


It's a New Year …and oftentimes, that means new resolutions, new perspectives, a fresh start. Some people wait all year for this day to be the day of new beginnings in their lives. What people fail to remember - or choose to forget - is that the beginning of something means the ending of something else.

I want to eat healthier. Okay, not a unique resolution, I am aware. Eating healthy means that I have to stop eating unhealthy. Obvious enough, right? Here's the hard part; the beginning of eating healthy means the end of eating ice cream for breakfast! (But I've done that my whole life!) It is the end of indigestible amounts of rice and beans after 8pm. (But I'm Puerto Rican!) I want to exercise more. The beginning of committing to exercise more means the end of sleeping in until the last possible second. (Impossible! I need my beauty sleep!) I want to write a blog. (I can barely finish my papers for grad school on time!) In fact, I may or may not be writing this blog, while I should be completing 2 late assignments. The beginning of discipline means the end of laziness and procrastination!

New beginnings almost always sounds incredible! It's the ending of things we enjoy that can become uncomfortable. But today - in the excitement of this new year, this new day, and of this new blog - I am going to focus on the new beginnings. I refuse to agonize over any endings. I refuse to look back a year from today, and wish that I had started today!

"Forget the former things; Do not dwell on the past. 
See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up;
Do you perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness
And streams in the wasteland." Is 43:18-19 (NIV)

"Be alert! Be present! I am about to do something brand new-
It's bursting out! Don't you see it? There it is!" Is 43:18-19 (MSG)


  1. This is amazing! Keep them coming babe. - Mike

  2. Awesomeness!! About time girl. You've got a gift for writing!! -HoneyBunches

  3. Wow, your a great writer, keep it up. Can't wait to continue reading.

  4. I love that those who commented are none other than…Cosita Studios lol Thanks guys!
