So what if I'm not tech-savvy? I can text. I can google. I can Instagram. I can email. (Not that I'm very good at responding promptly to those emails) I am also NOT a technology enthusiast. If you saw the condition of my iPhone 5, you would be appalled.
When purchasing my laptop, I sought function over frill. I am not easily attracted to new gadgets and stuff... I needed something reliable, something light enough to carry around in my purse, something easy enough to navigate the internet on, something that has enough memory to safeguard the millions of pictures I capture with my shattered iPhone, and a keyboard for me to type up my papers. Well, because of its name and reputation, the Apple store was inevitable... and the Macbook Air was my match.
Here's the thing, Apple in all of its innovative glory, is constantly providing apple product users with the option of software updates. I get it -- making your product better eliminates competition, or at least dulls it. But how annoying is it for me when my laptop prompts me to update my computer all the damn time?
In the upper right corner of my screen, this constantly appears: "Updates Available: Do you want to restart to install these updates now or try tonight?"
It offers the option of 'Restarting the computer' or reminding me to 'Do it LATER.'

No I don't want to restart my computer right now! I'm clearly in the middle of something important or I wouldn't be on this device to begin with! AINT NOBODY GOT TIME FOR THAT! I almost ALWAYS select that little drop down arrow to "Remind Me Tomorrow." I don't want to "Try in an hour" or "Try tonight" because truthfully, I have no intention on doing it until the moment is convenient or until it's absolutely necessary.
I've already shared my disclaimer... I'm not necessarily knowledgeable by any means about computers, but I can make an educated guess that the longer I wait to update my software, the slower my laptop gets. I once went so long without updating, that when I finally did, I had to do it overnight because it was no longer an instantaneous process. The longer I wait, the longer it will take to update. When that "tomorrow" finally becomes "today" there are updates upon updates that need to take place.
In the upper right corner of my screen, this constantly appears: "Updates Available: Do you want to restart to install these updates now or try tonight?"
It offers the option of 'Restarting the computer' or reminding me to 'Do it LATER.'

No I don't want to restart my computer right now! I'm clearly in the middle of something important or I wouldn't be on this device to begin with! AINT NOBODY GOT TIME FOR THAT! I almost ALWAYS select that little drop down arrow to "Remind Me Tomorrow." I don't want to "Try in an hour" or "Try tonight" because truthfully, I have no intention on doing it until the moment is convenient or until it's absolutely necessary.
I've already shared my disclaimer... I'm not necessarily knowledgeable by any means about computers, but I can make an educated guess that the longer I wait to update my software, the slower my laptop gets. I once went so long without updating, that when I finally did, I had to do it overnight because it was no longer an instantaneous process. The longer I wait, the longer it will take to update. When that "tomorrow" finally becomes "today" there are updates upon updates that need to take place.
This happens often in life, doesn't it? At least, it's happened to me quite a few times.
"Oh, that paper is an easy A.... I'll do it later. Better yet, I'll do it tomorrow!" Then those papers piled up, and I ended up on a trip in the Hamptons making up 6 grad school level papers when I could have been maxin' and relaxin'. You don't do it now, you'll have more to do later. You'll be more overwhelmed and more tired from the more work you've given yourself.
"Oh, I have all day to go to the gym. I'll work out later....I'm tired after this long day. I'll work out tomorrow!" My constant excuse is that I when I actually do work out, I see results fast. The less frequently you work out though, the more weight you'll have to lose, the less muscle strength you'll have, the more painful and strenuous the work out, the more sore you'll be tomorrow... all because you waited until later. All because your tomorrow wasn't today!
"Oh, I'll just take a break from school. I don't need a degree to land my dream job. I'll go back later. I'll apply tomorrow!" The longer you wait to get yourself a piece of paper that says you are educated and qualified, the less opportunities available to you. The more you work, and the less you get paid. The more crap you have to take from people who may be more qualified on paper, but not actually qualified to do the job that needs to be done. The longer you wait, the more you conform... and the less you'll be able to dream of something more for your life.
"Oh, I'll reach out to him one day and work out our issues. Right now I have the right to be angry at what he said to me. I'll forgive him later. I'll do it tomorrow!" We avoid working on strained relationships, live with unforgiveness and unresolved heart issues because it is too painful to deal with now. The more unhealthy our relationships become, the more bad habits are formed, more mistakes are made, and more attitudes rise up. The longer you wait to hash things out with someone, the less character you are able to exhibit when you do, and the more guilt you'll carry in the end. The longer you wait to deal with an issue, the more resentful you feel and the more desensitized you become.
Here's your reminder: UPDATE NOW...not in an hour, not later, not tomorrow. UPDATE NOW. Don’t wait until you are so deep in your addiction, that it’s harder stop. Don’t wait until the relationship is so unhealthy that you’re accepting abuse before you decide to finally leave. Don't wait until Sunday to pray or seek guidance. Don’t wait until your so invested in that toxic relationship that it becomes harder to resist. Don't wait until so much piles up that you won't even know where to start.
Don't worry. Don't delay. Don't make excuses. Don't wait until the moment is convenient for you or until it becomes absolutely necessary. Don't wait until the new year to make new resolutions. We are half way through 2014. Let's stop making things harder on ourselves and do what needs to be done today!
Don't worry. Don't delay. Don't make excuses. Don't wait until the moment is convenient for you or until it becomes absolutely necessary. Don't wait until the new year to make new resolutions. We are half way through 2014. Let's stop making things harder on ourselves and do what needs to be done today!